Today, I got into the hide and growl game with Max. He loves this game, and will play it forever. When it was my time to hide, I hid in the kitchen closet.
I heard Max walk in the kitchen and around the island.
He looked in the bathroom by the kitchen.
He looked in the hall closet.
He looked behind the couches.
He looked in the laundry room.
I'm still in the closet waiting. I can't believe that he hasn't looked in the closet, I mean, it was the only place he hadn't looked, and it was SO obvious!
He went and looked in the living room, then I heard him go downstairs.
I continued to wait.
When he came upstairs he went down the hallway and looked in the bedrooms and bathroom again. I heard him opening all the closet doors. He even started calling "Mom! Where are you?"
Then it dawned on me.
You know those white childproof doorknob covers that you put on your doorknobs so that little kids (and some adults) can't open them?

There was one on the door to the closet that I was hiding in.
You guys are hilarious. Seriously.
When I had to leave my son at daycare, the daycare lady used to have to let me out of the house because I couldn't master the childproof door knob.
that's so cute.
But, but, did you jump out and scare him? Poor Max, I can imagine his frustration!
Hmmm...I'm thinking this closet may have some potential when you are looking for a little "me-time."
You make me giggle.
LOL! Supper cute!
Hehe!! That is AWESOME!!
I guess those door handle protectors can be for adults as well.
Oh that is good. haha
Well, now you know where to go to eat chocolate and not be disturbed :)
That is so great! And I have a hard time with those knobs but I use the excuse that I don't have children yet and very little experience with them.
some people will do anything to "win".....
Well, at least you know that the covers work :D
That story is hilarious! I wouldn't know anything about those childproof door knob covers because they weren't childproof enough for our kid. We had to take them off after a few months.
Next time you want a break, go there with a flashlight and a novel.
Ooooo...Annette stole my comment!
Just pretend I said it first, k?
Let's see...
Sub Corr
Annette...I would just add chocolate to her list of things to take in there.
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