Wait................. make that a bad hair month.
Last month, I got a haircut, and while I wasn't thrilled with the way it was styled when I left the salon, I was sure that when I got home, I would be able to fix it the way I like, because I always do that.
No dice.
No matter what I did, I couldn't get it to look right.
Now, first of all, I do need to tell you that I LOVE my hairdresser. She usually does a great job. She is cute and bubbly, and it's so much fun to sit and chat with her while she fixes my hair. I actually look forward to getting my hair cut.
I have very few hairdressers in my history. When I was a teenager, I had very long hair, and would just go to our neighbor (who had a salon in her basement) every once in a while to have it trimmed.
Next, I went to a friend of my mom's (who had a salon in her basement) Every time I would go there, she would tell me that "Men don't like women with long hair" and she would try to talk me into cutting it all off. "No" I would always say "I just want a trim."
At one point, I decided that I wanted a perm, and asked her if she would be willing to perm my long hair. She said "Yes, but I would need to take a few inches off the bottom first."
Okay, I could deal with a "few" inches.
Apparently, her idea of "a few" and mine were totally different. I was thinking 3", maybe 4" at the most, but she ended up cutting off about 10" and then the with my hair being curly, it shortened it even more. The length of my hair, which previously had been about 4" past my waistline, was now somewhere in between my shoulder blades.
I was livid!
Needless to say, I never went back to her!
(There. That's a rant that I've been waiting to get off my chest for a few decades)
My next hairdresser was WONDERFUL. Everything I ever wanted in a hairdresser. She made suggestions, but always did exactly what I wanted. She recommended that I cut my hair shorter, but waited until I was ready. She fixed my hair for over 15 years.
Then she quit. Something about wanting to stay home with her son or something. Now, while I totally understand where she's coming from, and I also realize that being home with her son was much more important to her than making sure my hair looked nice, I was not happy about having to find a new hairdresser.
A friend recommended someone she knew and so I went to her. This lady always did a fabulous job on my hair, but we had absolutely nothing in common. She didn't have kids, and I didn't have dogs, so there wasn't much common ground to talk about except the weather, and seriously, how long can you stretch out that conversation?
She was also very busy (because she really is that good) so it was hard to get an appointment with her at a time that was convenient for me to schedule a babysitter for my kids. Of course I could try and make an appointment weeks in advance, but let's face it, I'm incapable of thinking that far ahead.
Next was my current hairdresser. She has always done a great job, so this cut was kind of strange. I always like my hair to curl under, but for the last several weeks, nothing I do will make my hair curl under.
So today, I gave up.
Maybe if I can't get it to curl under, I can try curling it so that it flips up. Maybe that was the look that my hairdresser was going for. I curled my hair so that it flipped up, and when I looked in the mirror, I remembered why I don't like to fix my hair this way.
This is what my hair looked like.

Yeah, I think I need to get another appointment to get my hair cut.
Hahaha! Finding a good hairdresser is like finally scratching that itch that's been bugging you for days. Very hard to do.
Fortunately, you can always wear a wig. :)
Water buffalo hair? Now that is a bad hair day!
French braids are always an option. And my favorite (THANKS, lazy teenage girl athletes): bend over, grab what falls forward, and start to wrap a pony tail around it. Then stop with the hair pulled halfway through and wrap it with a sloppy twist.
See? When you can't beat bad hair, look like you made it that way on purpose.
I hate nothing worse than a bad haircut!! (Except for maybe my facial hair.) I have naturally curly hair and it takes someone special to fix it.
I am so sorry. Good luck!
Bless your heart. I can't seem to get my hair to behave lately either. It seems like it looks worse when I spend more time on it!
I'll shave mine if you shave yours . . . :)
Jill, I had to laugh last night. I was doing a booth for Draper's Night Out Against Crime, and I saw a woman with water buffalo hair. I wondered if it might be you, but she wasn't near as classy as you, so I figured just an odd coincidence.
Hey, the water buffalo cut is all the rage. My husband always points it out on the teenage boys who grow their hair long and then let it flip out that way. I bet it is way better looking on you, though.
I laughed all the way through that post! I had the same thing happen to me with my hairdresser.
But when I got home I looked like the above-mentioned teenage boy:)
That's impressive hair! Wanna just go bald with me? I think I just want to give up on hair all together. Think of all that shower time I could save!
wish that you were closer. I am a little biased because my hairdresser is my sis, but she really does an incredible job. She must, she is booked a week out. No, I don't get special treatment-just cute hair, that cant take longer that 5 mins and constantly a different color! Guess it's a perk of a free color cut and whatever. She does get annoyed thoug. There was a reason I am saying all of this, oh yes, she would do a great job with your hair and you would love it!! Guarnteed! So-if you want to make a trip up north-you wont be sorry! Plus-she's great to talk to. She fakes like she like everyone!! :)
I'm not sure I've ever seen a pic of you?
The buffalo is seriously funny though, I'm sure your hair isn't THAT bad...
And we DO expect a photo...
Glad you posted about your cut after your kind commiseration with me about mine! I liked the suggestion you left in the comments about maybe just not leaving the house, and how that would mean you wouldn't have to shave your legs either!
May your hair grow quickly and beautifully! (and nothing beats a nice fat and hot curling iron for getting my hair to go under! If you've only been using a round brush I TOTALLY recommend those fat irons! They're so much easier, too!)
I was reading this and nodding, uh huh, I agree, and then I got to the picture and just about bust a gut. Thanks for the pick-me-up! What a great way to start the day!
Would it damage our friendship if I totally burst out laughing??
I missed my last hair appointment and now the stylist in not taking my calls. Wow...kinda a shock to be dumped by your hairdresser...
My sister is my hairdresser. This is good in many ways and yet can be a real bummer. I get a good deal (free) on my cuts & colors but usually have to do it the way she wants. I also can't leave her for somebody else. I've given up and I just sit in the chair and say "whatever you want".
I always look like some large African mammal, so I can relate.
Very funny post.
This is not about hair, but I just wanted to say that after reading several of your other posts, I have decided that your children are way too smart. But I'm guessing you already knew that.
I hate trying to find a good hairdresser too, though. For some reason not all hairdressers seem to be the sharpest knives in the drawer (or should I say shears in the drawer?)
Oh my gosh! Been there, done that! I'm still looking to find someone who can make my hair look decent without insisting on charging me $200 for the privilege of mangling my hair.
I miss my great looking hair. When you showed what your hair looked like . . . oh, I felt the pain. I'm still looking for a new hairdresser since my quit to have children.
My sister in law does my hair. She always asks me what I want done, and I tell her to just do whatever she thinks will look good, and she does. I have never had a bad haircut or color from her.
I have had experiences like yours, and they are so frustrating! Especially when your hair gets cut too short, because then there's nothing you can do.
That's sort of a flip of the Victoria cut, right?
Good luck with it!
I've had similar experiences... when we first moved here I just picked a salon. The guy who did my hair cut it like a little old lady. I'm not kidding. Then he styled it like a little old lady's hair. When I got home and washed it, he had cut it uneven and had left a big chunk on the right hand side that he didn't even cut! He just curled it and sprayed it up when he styled it... yeah. I hate getting my hair cut. I still don't have someone that I really like...
Argh...I hate the water buffalo.
Hey! I hope you're having better luck with your hair! I just wanted to let you know that I gave you an award over on my blog.
Your photo is TOO FUNNY!
I have very curly hair and have only ever had one decent stylist.
Now I cut my own...at least I'm cheap, and I don't need to schedule too far in advance.
When my daughter was younger, just starting to draw more than just stick figures for people, her teacher called that curled up on the ends style of hair "hook hair". I can't wait to show her this post, and I'm sure "hook hair" will become "water buffalo hair"!
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