Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why can't they just get along?

This week our two oldest kids are away at camp. You would think that this would have cut the amount of fighting and teasing in half, but instead, the other two have really bumped it up so that the noise level in the house is still pretty much the same as when CJ and Brielle are at home.

For example......

Yesterday morning, I heard Max screaming so loud that I thought he had lost a limb. He came running into the kitchen, sobbing so hard that I couldn't understand anything he said.
I finally got him calmed down enough to understand, in between the screaming and sobbing, that Aaron had done something to him.

"AARON....... HURT........HEAD! ......THREW THEM AT ME!!!

I looked all over his head, trying to see any visible marks, but couldn't find any. Max continued to cry.

Just then, Aaron walked in the room with a smirk on his face.

"What did you throw at him?" I demanded.

He burst out laughing and told me what he threw at Max. Are you ready for this? Do you want to know what he threw at him to make him so upset?

Imaginary bricks and bolders.

Yes, Max was crying because Aaron had pretended to throw invisible, imaginary bricks and boulders at him.


mCat said...

But of COURSE Max would carry on in such a fashion. I expect nothing less of that creative child!

Kristina P. said...

Those things have really sharp edges.

Karen said...

Perhaps Aaron needs an imaginary kick in the butt!

Sassy Salsa girl said...

Lol! This sounds very familiar, lol!

Teachinfourth said...

I guess it was better than actual brick and boulders. Of course, there's the whole, 'sticks and stones' thing, too.

M said...

Just wait until Aaron starts "not touching" Max. Holy Hannah.

I think it's a sign that it's time for school to start. I'm ready to ship mine off to....somewhere; they can't seem to cross the street without arguing about how it should be done!

Sarah said...

Oh my God, don't you start to hate summer around this time? WHEN WILL SCHOOL START?!!!!

Mum-me said...

That boy sure has an imagination.

The Hillbilly Banjo Queen: said...

If only mine would throw imaginary things at each other. Then I could happily let them have at it.

LisAway said...

You know your child's imagination is TOO good when . . .

(and how lovely. WV is pukabit. Ha!)

Mae Rae said...

Thats horrible, and you are laughing? Those things could take an eye out!

Unknown said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Thanks for the laugh this morning. I needed to start my day with a good Max story!

Jessica G. said...

I hope none of his imaginary animals were hurt...except for the reindeer. That guy annoys me.

rocslinger said...

I've read this post three times and still can't think of a thing to say (me speechless, who d've thunk it). It is the quintisential max, no embellishment needed.

BTW just because I can't spell those big words doesn't mean I don't know their meaning.

Bonnie the Boss said...

Poor kid!!! I hate it when mine torture without touching. THen I am just irritated with both of them.