Brielle's class is having a science fair next week. She has no idea what to do for her project.
I told her I would ask my vast and unpaid research team (you) if they had any ideas.
Last year her project was to figure out which brand of microwave popcorn popped the most amount, left the fewest unpopped kernels and tasted the best (in the opinion of our family)
We were eating popcorn for weeks.
The winner was Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn. Movie theater butter flavor.

I suggested that she should do an experiment that has something to do with cooking. Or which kind of dishwashing detergent works the best. Or what works better, the upright vacuum or the cannister vac. Or which cleaning product gets the bathroom cleaner...........
Seriously, any ideas you might have would be helpful.
And she only has a week left.
Definitely make sure it benefits you. That's what a science project is all about.
Google it! I know there are a bunch of ideas on line. Yest to see if water boils faster with salt.
I'm good at regular science, not coming up with experiments. That's why I don't want to do a thesis. yikes!
I have a few suggestions:
Is a Swiffer really better than a regular broom, does vinegar or Windex get windows cleaner, is hand washing dishes more effective than using the dishwasher...
OR - are store brand brownie mixes as good as the name brand (several brands will need to be tested, of course!)
Which is a more effective floor-cleaner, bleach or Pine Sol?
Tide or Cheer?
Seriously though, I second the Google suggestion. Just put in "6th grade science experiments", or whatever grade she is in. You'll get tons of ideas.
With the green push nowadays, how about testing the differences between the store brands, and homemade green products?
Last year my daughter did a chocolate experiment testing what temperatures created the most chocolate bloom. She didn't win, but we certainly had a tasty time doing it.
(Oh, and I totally could have told you about Reddenbacher's Movie Theater. That's all we buy, cause it IS the best. :D)
We did a battery test.
Which brand lasts the longest. We used a store brand, ever-ready, duracell, and energizer. We put them in flashlights (all the same kind)--with only a week to spare--at the time of the science fair, the ever-ready was still going and the energizer were still going. So, we took a vote at our booth to vote which one would last the longest.
So....there ya go!
We just finished our science fair. We grew salt crystals. Our variables were tap water vs. distilled water and we used pickling salt. It only takes about 24 hours for the water to evaporate so it leaves plenty of time for writing it all up.
Anything that involves ice cream. Duh.
You can go here, our favorite science website. I saw another kids project at a paint store and he tried different paint products to see what would cover the best with just one coat.
My daughter did her science fair project on chocolate...how it is made and the history of Nestle and Hershey's. Of course there was a blindfolded tast test to see which chocolate was better. Sadly, there were no leftovers after the fair was over.
How about which newborn diaper brand holds the most liquid without leaking?
Which brand of bubble gum holds it's flavor longer
Definitely try Google...or you could find out which type of bubble bath makes the best bubbles. That's one we were talking about the other day at work. And of course, you could be the bubble bath tester! Lots of R&R for ya! :)
I suggest anything involving her cleaning stuff.
Test two vacuums (borrow one from a neighbor)
Test paper towel brands (on different windows)
test dish soap
I liked Lisa Simpson's science project: Is my Brother Dumber Than a Hamster?
what grade is she in?
we host the high school science fairs here (college of sciences, unlv) but i'm thinking those projects might be a little too advanced....
Does Coke really clean toilets? I'm dying to know but don't want to waste a perfectly good drink to find out:-)
I'm all for a cleaning or cooking one too. At least you get some work out of it right?
I don't have any ideas. My kids have yet to HAVE to do a project for that fair-so I have nothing. But, I must say that I have now caught up with all the past posts that I missed and i was laughing so hard that I was crying! Oh my heck!!! You rock sister friend-you rock!!!!!
ps-I am pulling for the brownie experiment. that one sounds like a winner to me!
I'm stealing all of these ideas!
And we don't even do science fairs!
I would have her leave food out of the fridge and see what started to spoil first. Or she could clean her and siblings rooms and try to identify the remains of food found in said rooms. I found a pertrified apple and part of a corn dog under our bed when we cleaned our room last. I know hubby and I did not leave them there.
One of the girsl in my daughters class did a chocolate chip cookie experiment. She made 12 batches of cookies and omitted one ingredient each time to see how that missing ingredient would effect the cookies.
It was a great project.
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