For the last few months, we have explained to CJ that when he became a teenager, he might suddenly lose his brain.

I have begged him to keep track of his brain, and he will always say to me "Mom, I will lose my brain when I turn thirteen. I don't think I can stop it from happening. It would go against the laws of nature.
And while I understand that this is probably the case, I still have hope that he might be able to avoid this teenage brain loss.
Yesterday, as we were (again) discussing this subject, I had an idea, and I said to DH "Do you think that if we started wrapping duct tape around his head that he might not lose his brain?
To which CJ replied "Mom, it's going to happen. Get used to it. It's happening to everyone at school, they're all losing their brains. In fact they're losing them all over the hallway of the school, we can hardly walk to class without slipping on a few..............."
At least he's still got his sense of humor.
NASTY!! :) Enjoy the fun filled years ahead as the mother of a brainless teenager!
Yeah, it's when the sense of humor goes that things get ugly.
I like your kid...he's funny!
At least he sounds prepared.
Might need some galoshes, though.
Have you told him he'll get it back when he's about 21 but then it all falls out after he turns 30. Oh yeah, I've stepped on a few cerebellums here at my house. (Usually my own.)
You seem much too young to have a teenager. And believe me, I work with the ones who do actually lose their brain. Please tell your kid to never miss school. That would be super awkward if he was picked up for truancy, and I had to meet you and offer counseling.
And thanks for the vote of Goodwood. I thought about vetoing the OG, but I didn't want a blog coup on my hands.
I only have until the end of the month until I officially have a teenager too. I am very afraid!!
Funny kid you have there :P
I like him! Good comment, he must have gotten his slightly bizarre, yet still very funny sense of humor from his mother!
Don't get all mollified if it doesn't happen right away. My boys didn't turn into zombies til they were 14. Good luck.
hahahahaha. The poor thing. At least he is prepared for the inevitable loss!
Awww! Teenagers! I have a couple of them myself! I guess if they still have their looks and their sense of humor they should be OK right? At least that is what my brainless teens think:)
I got my own teenager about a month ago. I'm waiting for the brain loss, but so far, so good. Of course, we're really only a few weeks into it. The shoe will probably drop soon, huh? :)
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