At first I thought it was kind of funny, but lately, I'm beginning to wonder if they might be right.
Reasons my teenage son might be a vampire.
#1. He likes to be awake all night, and will sleep all day. (if we let him)
#2. He has a widows peak.

#3. He doesn't like garlic bread.
#4. Look at these teeth! Only recently have I noticed how pointy they are.

#5. He can make his eyeballs shake. (OK, I realize that isn't a typical characteristic of a vampire, but it is pretty creepy when he does it)
#6. He really likes corned beef hash.
On the other hand, I just had him go look in the mirror, and he did see his reflection (or at least he said he did)
What do you think? Vampire? Or not?
I would just like to add that I have NOT read the Twilight series, nor have I seen the movie. Not that it has anything to do with this post, I just want you to be aware of this before leaving a comment comparing my son to Edward Cullen. I won't understand what you're talking about.
His teeth look more like Jacob's anyway.
Did not know I was living with a vampire, too. Thanks for the heads up! Now I know why he asked "What stinks?" when I was cooking with garlic.
Now you have an excuse for any wierd teenage stuff he may do! :)
I totally think he is a vampire.
Trying driving a wooden stake into his heart and see if he lives. That is the true test
I am so proud of you for not reading those books! Way to not just jump on the bandwagon! I think all teenage boys resemble something not of this world!
Hey want to do lunch tomorrow with Jo and I?
Must not leave comment about creepy stalker vampires. OK.
I'm sure he's a vampire. What about sucking on girl's necks?
CJ vampire no way!! He is way to cute to be a vampire! Then again, I havent seen him in direct sun like in awhile...Hmmmm makes me wonder :-)
I think all teenagers are vampires.
sorry, but corned beef hash lover = vampire.
I'll be over later tonight with the angry torch bearing mob.
Has anyone seen my torch?
Hey, there are other vampires than the Cullens...does he look like a long-haired Brad Pitt and gives interviews to curious reporters? To vague? Wynona Rider hanging around and does he crawl along castle walls?
Vampire - yes!
And let us know when he forgives you for this post...... : )
Ack!!! He has whiskers on his upper lip, TEENAGER, TEENAGER, quick, run for your life!
I'm glad you haven't read Twilight. Seriously.
I'm gonna say part vampire! What?! It could happen. The Twilight series say it is. So it must be..RIGHT?
yep, looks like you got a true vamp on yer hands there lady. Good luck I hope he wont bite.
I was totally distracted by the facial hair. Because that made me think of my own kids... half a decade away from having facial hair themselves, and that made me really frightened.
I've been feeling my own teeth this whole time trying to determine if they are pointy or not.
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