It lasted that way until about 8:00 pm when Max accidentally head butted me right in the mouth giving me a swollen lip.
Then within a few minutes, another one of my children (who prefers to remain nameless) accidentally knocked this off the doorway just as I was walking through it.

It landed right on top of my head!
I'm pretty sure I have a skull fracture. I think my family needs to wait on me and bring me food all weekend.
What do you think?
We have one of those pull up bars! They are surprisingly not light. I hope your head fracture gets better in a loooong time so your family can wait on you hand and foot and you can have a chance to sit back and relax! :)
Yes, at least the whole weekend .... possibly Monday too!
I think you should be able to milk this at least for a week and use it MANAY times in the future! I can just see it now..."Oh my head, I just can't (insert whatever they want here) do that now, everything is spinning and going dim....GO FOR IT! (My word is cheso--see above sentence for definition, example)
Is there a helpline for battered mothers?
Last night my veriword was "kisses," today it is "reesi." What's up with the chocolate candy theme?
They should be waiting on you hand foot and skull :)
Absolutely milk it for all it's worth. I'm thinking maybe hubby needs to get you some take-out dinner too. Who can cook with a fractured skull?
I must agree. Being waited upon hand and foot for the next few days is what you need. Who knows what complications may arise if you try to do the dishes or something?
Sure, they should. But we all know it won't happen. :)
I would say longer than the weekend. In fact I think they need to send you on a cruise to the Bahamas. Yup that would make you skull fracture better :)
Of course they do!
And this is too funny, but my husband bought this Iron Gym a few weeks ago, and I may have had him take pictures of me in my Snuggie, looking like I'm doing pull ups, for my Snuggie picture of the week, last night. Let's be honest. I couldn't do a pullup to save my life.
Oh, and he takes it down after every workout. You might want to look into that.
Totally. The only way to end a day that beings this way is to curl up on the couch with your remote, all your magazines, a good book, a blanket and a set of loyal servants!
As long as you have a bell to call them to bring you more ice cream!
Not just for the weekend, but I think through the early part of next week is justified too.
You just lie down and put your feet up...wait to see of anything happens :)
Pax, E
you should sprain your knee and then get a giant cold sore on the top of your nose. that's how i get people to wait on me.
Ouch is right!! I hope you are ok!
OW! I totally agree, take to your bed and make the offender wait hand and foot on you.
A group of male superheroes, who run around in the their underwear, giving wedgies to children who bonk their mothers on their heads!
Milk it for all it is worth.
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